Library guides
Subject: Law and Political ScienceLaw Open Resources
Are you interested in knowing open or freely online information resources in the field of Law and legislation? This dossier aims to gather the main resources on the field.

How to find legislation
Public administration has to fulfill the obligation to publicize the laws and regulations—as well as other dispositions —, before its application, according to the principle of information disclosure. Currently all the Spanish and regional legislation is freely accessible on the Internet in official gazettes or diaries, in legislative compilations at websites of various government or public entities, etc.
Law and legislation databases
A free legal portal offering access to Spanish legislation and other legal content, including news, articles, guides and links. Its databases of full-text documents on legislation and case law are particularly noteworthy.
The Legal Portal of Catalonia contains the laws in force in Catalonia and some information services that facilitate searching. You can see all the regulations with the force of law, decrees and orders published in the Official Gazette of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia since 1977.
The "DOCEX" foreign legislation database, of the Legal Documentation Department of the Centre for Political and Constitutional Studies, compiles a selection of legislative provisions on public and private law published in the official gazettes of such countries as Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, Portugal and the United Kingdom, the aim of which is to serve the research and teaching community.
This is the portal providing access to EU Law. Users can consult not only the legislation database but also the Charter of Fundamental Rights, the treaties, the Budget and the international agreements.
WIPO Lex is a unique database for national laws and treaties on intellectual property (IP) of the members of the WIPO, the WTO and the United Nations.
Compilations of legislation
Collection of the Administration of Justice of Catalonia which includes the state in procedural law in Catalan.
The "DOCEX" foreign legislation database, of the Legal Documentation Department of the Centre for Political and Constitutional Studies, compiles a selection of legislative provisions on public and private law published in the official gazettes of such countries as Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, Portugal and the United Kingdom, the aim of which is to serve the research and teaching community.
Information related to the procedures relating to immigration procedures and rules, integration programs and, in general, those issues of concern to immigrants in Spain.
Database of legislation and regulations in the field of intellectual property and copyright in the national, autonomous, EU and international fields.
UNCITRAL is the principal legal body of the United Nations system in the field of international trade law. Website users can consult resolutions, annual reports, working documents, bibliography lists and its yearbook, which contains all the Commission's important documents.
Official gazettes
Database of state gazettes where it is possible to consult parliamentary journals by publication date or by gazette number from 1 January 1960.
The Legislative news gazette, which is published monthly by the Legal Documentation Department, selects the regulations published in the Spanish Official Gazette of legislative or informative interest.
Compilation of the official gazettes of the Autonomous Communities.
Full text and summaries of laws and decrees published in the Official Gazette of the Government of Catalonia.
Compilation of the official gazettes of the provinces.
Allows various search types to be run of all the announcements published between 1 January 1998 and the present day. If no publication date is entered, it will display the results of the last three months.
This database contains edicts after 1/6/2001. For edicts prior to this date, click on BOP Històric.
This database allows you to consult the Official Gazette of the Province of Lleida since 1838.
The electronic edition of the Official Gazette of the Province (e-BOP T). It is the adaptation of traditional BOP to new technologies.
The Official Journal (OJ) is the official gazette in which EU legal provisions (L series) and other official documents of the EU institutions, organs and agencies (C series and their supplements) appear. It is published from Tuesday to Saturday in the official EU languages and is available in a number of formats.
Librarians responsible for this library guide
Joan Puig
Operative subgroup: Librarian for Law and Political Science, Doctoral School Operative group: Library for Learning