Vancouver style
These are the general criteria for citations as per the Vancouver style.
We recommend an adapted version of the Vancouver style (in the Options for author names guidelines), which includes the full name of the author, to make women more visible in bibliographies.
Bibliographic reference
Author surname, author name. Article title. Journal title. Year of publication Month;volume number(issue number):start page number–end page number.
Puigventós, Francesc; Riera, Melcior; Delibes, Carla; Peñaranda, María; De la Fuente, Laura; Boronat, Assumpció. Estudios de adherencia a los fármacos antirretrovirales: una revisión sistemática. Med Clin (Barc). 2002 Jun;119(4):130-7.
Author surname, author name. Blog post title. Date blog post [cited ]. In: Blog Author or Blog editor. Blog title [Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher or Organization. Year of publication. Available from: URL
Villarejo, Luis. ¿Cómo se aplica la realidad aumentada en el ámbito de la salud? 2019 Nov 28th [cited 12 January 2020]. In: Estudios de Ciencias de la Salud de la UOC. Salud con Ciencia [Internet]. Barcelona: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. 2019. Available from: https://cienciasdelasalud.blogs.uoc.edu/realidad-aumentada-en-salud/
Author surname, author name. Book title. Edition [if not first]. Place of publication: Publisher; year of publication. Pagination.
Ross, Michael H.; Pawlina, Wojciech. Histología: texto y atlas color con biología celular y molecular. 4th ed. Mexico: Médica Panamericana; 2013. 864 p.
Chapter or part of a book
Author surname, author name. Title of the chapter or part. In: Book title. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; year of publication. p. start page number─end page number.
Solanilla, Laura; Medina, Francesc Xavier. Chapter VII. Gastronomía y redes sociales: patrimonio gastronómico y blogs de cocina en Cataluña. In: Comida y mundo virtual: internet, redes sociales y representaciones visuales. Barcelona: Editorial UOC; 2017. p. 139-156.
Conference papers
Editors of the conference proceedings. Title of the book. Name of the conference; date of the conference; place of the conference. Place of publication: publisher; year. Number of pages. Available at: URL.
Van Pelt, Jaap; Kamermans, Maarten; Levelt, Christiaan N.; Van Ooyen, Arjen; Ramakers, Ger J. A.; Roelfsema, Pieter R., editors. Development, Dynamics, and Pathology of Neuronal Networks: From Molecules to Functional Circuits. Proceedings of the 23rd International Summer School of Brain Research; 2003 Aug 25-29; Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2005. p. 385 (Progress in Brain Research; vol. 147). Available at: https://www.elsevier.com/books/development-dynamics-and-pathology-of-neuronal-networks-from-molecules-to-functional-circuits/van-pelt/978-0-444-51663-3.
Author. Database name [online database]. Available from: URL
U.S. National Library of Medicine. PubMed [online database]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?otool=iesuodclib
Author surname, author name. E-book title [internet]. Place of publication: Publisher; year of publication [cited ]. Number of pages. Available from: URL
Bach-Faig, Anna; Esquius de la Zarza, Laura, editors. La Alimentación en la actividad física y el deporte [internet]. Barcelona: Editorial UOC; 2018 [cited 19 December 2019]. 667 p. Available from: https://www.editorialuoc.cat/la-alimentacion-en-la-actividad-fisica-y-el-deporte
Final project (bachelor's or master's degree)
Author surname, author name. Title of final project [bachelor's/master's degree final project on internet]. Place of publication: Institution; year of publication [cited ]. Available from: URL
Puig Teixidor, Pilar. Solitud i persones grans institucionalitzades: Una visió des del treball social sanitari [master's degree final project on internet]. Barcelona: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya; 2019 [cited 12 January 2020]. Available from: http://hdl.handle.net/10609/99570
Interviewed's Surname, Interviewed's Name. Title of the document. Interview by Interwiewer's Name and Surname. Name of the journal. [Internet]. Date of publication [cited];volume(number):first page-final page. Available from: URL or DOI.
Springsteen, Bruce. A 54-Minute Conversation With Bruce Springsteen. Interview by Andy Greene. Rolling Stone. [Internet]. 2014 Jan 9. [cited 2022 Jul 10]. Available from: https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/a-54-minute-conversation-with-bruce-springsteen-181303/2022
Journal title. Place of publication: Publisher. Start publication year–(end publication year, if no longer published). ISSN.
Journal of Medical Internet Research. Canada: JMIR Publications. 1999– . ISSN 1438-8871.
Title of the law or decree. Publication title, number (day-month-year).
Ley 17/2011, de 5 de julio, de seguridad alimentaria y nutrición. Official Gazette of the Government of Spain, no. 160 (06-07-2011).
Online article
Author's Surname, author's Name. Article title. Journal title [internet]. Year of publication Mon [cited ];volume number(issue number):start page number–end page number. Available from: URL
Puigdomènech Puig, Elisa; Robles, Noemí; Saigí-Rubió, Francesc, et al. Assessment of the Efficacy, Safety, and Effectiveness of Weight Control and Obesity Management Mobile Health Interventions: Systematic Review. JMIR mHealth uHealth [internet]. 2019 Oct [cited 7 November 2019];7(10):e12612. Available from: https://doi.org/10.2196/12612
Online newspaper
Author's surname, Name. Headline. Name of the media outlet [online]. Date of the news [Accessed:]. Available at: URL.
Bejerano, Pablo G. La educación desembarca en el metaverso. El País [online]. 2 March 2022 [Accessed: 1 June 2022]. Available at: https://elpais.com/tecnologia/2022-03-02/la-educacion-desembarca-en-el-metaverso.html.
Photographs, prints or posters
Author's surname, author's name. Image title [type of medium]. Year of creation. Museum or gallery name, place. Available from: URL
Van Gogh, Vincent. Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear [painting]. 1889. The Courtauld Gallery, London. Available from: https://library.artstor.org/#/asset/ACOURTAULDIG_10313599362
Name of the programme. Podcast title [podcast]. Place of publication: responsible institution; year of publication [Accessed:]. Number of minutes. Available at: URL.
Gente sana. Nutrición deportiva [podcast]. RNE; 2017 [Accessed: 13 April 2022]. Available at: https://www.rtve.es/play/audios/gente-despierta/nutricion-deportiva-julio-basulto-gente-sana/3865958/.
Author's Surname, Name or Name of the institution. Title of the report. Place of publication: Publichser; date of publication. Total number of pages. Report nº:. Available from: URL o DOI.
National Cancer Institure. Taking time: Support for people with cancer. Bethesda (MD); 2019. 68 p. Report nº: 18-259. Available from: https://cancer.gov/publications/patient-education/takingtime.pdf
Social media
Author's Surname, author's Name. [Username]. Text of the message up to a maximum of 40 words [tweet]. Date of publication. Available from: URL
@UOCuniversitat. Un estudi de 2018 va revelar per primera vegada l'impacte negatiu que té el consum de cigarretes electròniques en la #salut cardíaca. Ens ho explica l'#expertUOC Antoni Baena a @UOCNews http://ow.ly/pIuM50vpn9e cc @UOCesalut [tweet]. 2019 August 22. Available from: https://twitter.com/UOCuniversitat/status/1164500047616196608?s=20
Author's Surname, author's Name. [Username]. Text of the message up to a maximum of 40 words [Facebook post]. Date of publication. Available from: URL
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. El Deep Learning es uno de los motores de la revolución tecnológica en la inteligencia artificial. Investigadores de primer nivel mundial hablarán de ello en el Deep Learning Barcelona Symposium [Facebook post]. 2019 December 19. Available from: https://www.facebook.com/UOC.universitat/posts/10156600051736646
Video (YouTube or Vimeo)
Video (YouTube or Vimeo)
Author surname, author name [Username] or Editor. Video title [online video]. Date of publication. Available from: URL
UOC - Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Benvinguts a la Biblioteca de la UOC [online video]. 2017 March 7. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fL3EdXW-Hpg
Author surname, author name or ORGANIZATION. Software name [software]. Version (if available). Year (if available).
IBM. SPSS [software]. Version 26. 2019.
Standard title. Organization, number (day-month-year).
UNE-CEN/TS 15633-2:2013 (Ratificada) Productos alimenticios. Detección de alérgenos alimentarios mediante métodos inmunológicos. Parte 2: Determinación de avellanas con un método de inmunoensayo enzimático. Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación (01-06-2013).
Author surname, author name. Thesis title [thesis on internet]. Place of publication: Institution; year of publication [cited ]. Available from: URL
Esquius de la Zarza, Laura. Greixos i esports de resistència: avaluació d'estratègies de suplementació aguda amb àcids grassos [thesis on internet]. Barcelona: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya; 2017 [cited 12 January 2020]. Available from: https://tdx.cat/handle/10803/406121#page=1
UOC learning resources (textual or audiovisual)
Author surname, author name. Learning resource title [learning resource]. Place of publication: Publisher; year of publication [cited ]. Available from: URL
Leiva Madueño, Isabel; Vázquez De Sebastián, Julia. Patologia del llenguatge [learning resource]. Barcelona: Fundació Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (FUOC); 2016 [cited 12 January 2020]. Available from: https://cataleg.uoc.edu/record=b1064158~S1*cat
Video game
Author's surname, name, or name of the company that developed it. Name of the video game [video game]. Version (if available). Year (if available) [Accessed:]. Available at: URL.
King Digital Entertainment. Candy Crush Saga [video game]. 2012 [Accessed: 1 June 2022]. Available at: https://www.king.com/game/candycrush.
Web page
Author or Organitzation. Web page title [Internet]. Place of publication: Organization; year of publication [updated ; cited ]. Available from: URL
National Library of Medicine. MedlinePlus: información de salud para usted [Internet]. Bethesda: National Library of Medicine; 1998 [updated 10 January 2020; cited 12 January 2020]. Available from: https://medlineplus.gov/spanish