PERFORM's goal is to study the effects of the use of innovative science education methods based on the performing arts (PERSEIAs) in motivating young people to engage with science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in a number of secondary schools in France, Spain and the United Kingdom. By this means, PERFORM works to close the gap that persists between young people and science, and to move away from the one-way model of science knowledge transfer.

Leading research projects
In this section you will find research projects related with responsible research and innovation (RRI) both taking place within the UOC and outside of this institution.
UOC research projects
The project is entitled “Being Connected” at Home: Making use of digital devices in later life. This project investigates the fundamental changes taking place in the contemporary experience of later life as a result of the role played by digital infrastructures in (re)defining daily spaces and the experience of “being connected”. It seeks to make up for the lack of studies that explore – and theorize on – the role of digital communication devices in defining experience in later life.
A portal with best practices, tools and resources to foster gender equality and excellence in science, innovation and technology. GenPORT is a European project under the 7th Framework Programme coordinated by the UOC's IN3 Gender & ICT research group.
OPENeHEALTH Parkinson is an open innovation programme organized by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau Research Institute and the technological solutions company GMV. Its objective is to improve the quality of life of Parkinson's sufferers with the participation of the UOC community and those working with the disease. The Parkinsons app has been developed to improve Parkinson's sufferers' quality of life.