APA style
These are the general criteria for citations as per the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition).
We recommend an adapted version of the APA style, which includes the full name of the author, to make women more visible in bibliographies. We have discussed this adaptation with the APA, and it is supported by their guidance that allows for independent adaptations of APA Style.
Bibliographic reference
Author's surname, Author's INITIALS. [Author's name]. (Year of publication).
Article title: Subtitle. Journal title: Subtitle, volume(number), start page number–end page number.
Garita, R. [Renato]. (2010). Modelos y teorías computacionales de la memoria
humana: Un estado de la cuestión y análisis crítico. Revista Educación, 34(2), 75–94.
Artificial Intelligence
Organization. (Date of publication). Name of the model (version)
[additional description]. URL
OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (Mar 14 version) [Large language model].
Author's surname, Author's INITIALS. [Author's name]. (Date of publication).
Blog post title [blog post]. Blog title. URL
Estudis de Psicologia i Ciències de l'Educació. (2019, 27 November).
Educación, ¿para qué? [blog post]. Blog dels Estudis de Psicologia i Ciències de l’Educació. https://blogs.uoc.edu/epce/es/educacion-para-que/
Board Game
Author's surname, Author's INITIALS. [Author's name]. (Year of
publication). Board game title [board game]. Publisher.
Moon, A. R. [Alan R.]. (2015). Ticket to Ride [board game].
Days of Wonder.
Author's surname, Author's INITIALS. [Author's name]. (Year of publication).
Book title. Publisher.
Moore, M. G. [Michael Grahame]. (ed.). (2013). Handbook of Distance
Education. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Chapter or part of a book
Author's surname, Author's INITIALS. [Author's name]. (Year of publication).
Title of the chapter or part. In AUTHOR INITIALS [Author name] Autor surname, Book title (pp. start page number–end page number). Publisher.
Egge, M. [Martin]. (2008). La práctica à plusieurs. In M. [Martin] Egge,
El tratamiento del niño autista (pp. 149–184). Gredos.
Conference session
Author's surname, Author's INITIALS. [Author's name]. (Date of the event).
Title of the paper [Conference session]. Name of the event, city, country. URL.
Sangrà, A. [Albert]. (2021, January). Quan el desig és un altre...
llums i ombres de l'educació online en temps de pandèmia [Conference session]. IX Trobada de Monitors, Monitores i Policies de la Campanya Game Over 2020. https://edums.gencat.cat/ca/ activitats/noticies/detalls/noticia/20210120-conferencia-albert-sangra
Organization. (Date). Title of the report (number) [document type]. Source.
National Cancer Institute. (2019). Taking time: Support for people with cancer
(NIH Publication No. 18–2059) [Health report]. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health. https://cancer.gov/publications/patient-education/takingtime.pdf
Author (if stated). (Year of publication). Database name [online database].
ProQuest Information and Learning Company. (1971). Psychology Database
[online database]. https://about.proquest.com/products-services/pq_psychology_journ.html
Author's surname, Author's INITIALS. [Author's name]. (Year of publication).
E–book title: Subtitle. Publisher. URL
Berger, K. S. [Kathleen Stassen]. (2016). Psicología del desarrollo: infancia
y adolescencia. Editorial Médica Panamericana. https://www.medicapanamericana.com/es/libro/psicologia-del-desarrollo-berger
Final project (bachelor's or master's degree)
Author's surname, Author's INITIALS. [Author's name]. (Year). Final project
title. [Bachelor's/Master's degree final project]. Department, Institution. URL
Minguella, J. [Joana]. El mur europeu. Implicacions de l'Educació Social
amb persones refugiades: el cas de Síria. [Bachelor's degree final project]. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. http://hdl.handle.net/10609/93446
Journal title: Subtitle (start publication year–end publication year, if no
longer published). Place of publication: Publisher. ISSN
Annual Review of Psychology (1950– ). California: Annual Reviews.
ISSN 1545–2085
Interviewed's surname, Interviewed's INITIAL/s. [Interviewed's name].
(Date of publication). Title of the document / by Name and Surname of the author. Source. URL.
Springsteen, B. [Bruce]. (2014, 9 Jan). A 54–Minute Conversation With
Bruce Springsteen / by Andy Greene. Rolling Stone. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/a-54-minute-conversation-with-bruce-springsteen-181303/
Organization. Title of the law or decree, publication title, number (year of
Jefatura del Estado. Ley Orgánica 2/2006, de 3 de mayo, de Educación.
Official Gazette of the Government of Spain no. 106 (2006).
Online article
Author's surname, Author's INITIALS. [Author's name]. (Year of publication).
Online article title. Journal title, volume(number), start page number–end page number. URL
Guasch, T. [Teresa], Espasa, A. [Anna] i Martinez–Melo, M. [Montserrat].
(2019). The art of questioning in online learning environments: the potentialities of feedback in writing. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 44(1), 111–123. https://doi.org/10.1080/02602938.2018.1479373
Online newspaper news report
Author's surname, Author's INITIALS. [Author's name]. (Date of publication).
Headline. Name of the media outlet. URL.
Bejerano, P. G. [Pablo G.]. (2022, 2 March). La educación desembarca
en el metaverso. El País. https://elpais.com/tecnologia/2022-03-02/la-educacion-desembarca-en-el-metaverso.html
Photographs, prints or posters
Author's surname, Author's INITIALS. [Author's name]. (Year of creation).
Image title [type of medium]. Museum or gallery name, place. URL
Van Gogh, V. [Vincent]. (1889). Self–Portrait with Bandaged Ear [painting].
The Courtauld Gallery, London. https://library.artstor.org/#/asset/ACOURTAULDIG_10313599362
Author's surname, Author's INITIALS. [Author's name]. (Date of publication).
Title of the episode [podcast episode]. In name of the programme. Editor. URL.
Hijón, L. [Laura]. (2001, 7 December). La importancia de la psicología
emocional en los colegios [podcast episode]. In Radio 5. Salud Mental. RTVE. https://www.rtve.es/play/audios/salud-mental/salud-mental-psicologia-emocional-colegios/6238039/
Psychological test
Author's surname, Author's INITIALS. [Author's name]. (Year). Name of
the test. Publisher.
Tellegen, A. [Auke], Ben–Porath, Y. S. [Yossef S.]. (2011). Minnesota
Multiphasic Personality Inventory–2 Restructured Form (MMPI–2–RF): Technical Manual. Pearson.
Social media
Author's surname, Author's INITIALS. [Author's name]. [Username]. (Date of
publication). Text of the message up to a maximum of 40 words [tweet]. URL
@UOCuniversitat. (2019, 22 August). Un estudi de 2018 va revelar per
primera vegada l'impacte negatiu que té el consum de cigarretes electròniques en la #salut cardíaca. Ens ho explica l'#expertUOC Antoni Baena a @UOCNews http://ow.ly/pIuM50vpn9e cc @UOCesalut [tweet]. https://twitter.com/UOCuniversitat/status/1164500047616196608?s=20
Author's surname, Author's INITIALS. [Author's name]. [Username]. (Date of
publication). Text of the message up to a maximum of 40 words [Facebook update]. URL
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. (2019, 19 December). El Deep
Learning es uno de los motores de la revolución tecnológica en la inteligencia artificial. Investigadores de primer nivel mundial hablarán de ello en el Deep Learning Barcelona Symposium [Facebook update]. https://www.facebook.com/UOC.universitat/posts/10156600051736646
Video (YouTube or Vimeo)
Author's surname, Author's INITIALS. [Author's name]. [Username] (Date of
publication). Video title [online video]. Production company or Publication channel. URL
UOC – Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. (2017, 7 March). Benvinguts a la
Biblioteca de la UOC [online video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fL3EdXW-Hpg
Author's surname, Author's INITIALS. [Author's name] or ORGANIZATION.
(Year). Software name (version) [software].
IBM. (2019). SPSS (v26) [software].
Organization. (Year). Standard title in italics: Subtitle in italics (standard
identifier). URL
Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación. (2017).
Calidad de los materiales educativos digitales (UNE 71362:2017). https://www.une.org/encuentra-tu-norma/busca-tu-norma/norma?c=N0058497
Author's surname, Author's INITIALS. [Author's name]. (Year of defence).
Thesis title. [Doctoral thesis, Department, Institution (thesis supervisor [optional])]. Database or Archive Name. URL
Serarols, J. [Jordi]. (2019). La implementació de les TIC en els centres
d'ensenyament secundari de Catalunya: propostes d'organització i gestió a partir d'estudis de cas. [Doctoral thesis, eLearn Center, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (supervisor: Albert Sangrà Morer)]. TDX. https://tdx.cat/handle/10803/667316#page=1
UOC learning resources (textual or audiovisual)
Author's surname, Author's INITIALS. [Author's name]. (Year of publication).
Learning resource title: Learning resource subtitle (ed. num.) [textual or audiovisual learning resource]. Editor or Production company. URL
Niño, R. [Roberto]. (2022). Derecho preconcursal: Acuerdo extrajudicial de
pagos, propuesta anticipada de convenio y acuerdos de refinanciación [audiovisual learning resource]. Fundació Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (FUOC).
Estruch, M. [Mònica], & Muñoz, T. [Teresa]. (2022). Manual sobre l’edició i la
correcció de textos (1st ed.) [textual learning resource]. Fundació Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (FUOC).
Video game
Author's surname, Author's INITIALS. [Author's name]. (Year).
Name of the video game (version) [video game]. Producer.
Amaya, D. [Daisuke]. (2017). Cave story+ (Switch version)
[video game].
Web page
Organization. (Year of last update). Web page title. URL
Col·legi Oficial de Psicologia de Catalunya. (2019). Col·legi Oficial de Psicologia
de Catalunya. https://www.copc.cat/