
What do you need to take into account when looking to publish an article?

Subject:  Multidisciplinary
Woman thinking in front of a laptop

Sign up for a webinar on 25 March that offers best practices and advice on the first steps in publishing scholarly articles.

The UOC Library invites you to sign up for a webinar organized by ProQuest that goes over the basics of publishing research articles.

The session is aimed, above all, at UOC doctoral students, but it is open to anyone at the University interested in publishing in journals.

It will cover best practices for getting articles published, the value of open-access publishing, or how to avoid predatory journals and how to use the resources available to make it easier to get your articles published.

How to sign up for the webinar

Follow the webinar for the language and time you want. Click on Register. Fill in the form and confirm you want to send the data by clicking on Submit.

  • Spanish

Date: 25 March

Time: 6 pm (GMT+1)

  • English

Date: 25 March

Time: 6:45 pm (GMT+1)

How can the Library help?

If you have any doubts about publishing articles, check out this section of our website. It has all the information you might need: details about open-access publishing and its benefits, key issues when drafting your articles, how to sign your articles and how to create an ORCID iD author identifier, or issues about rights.

You'll also find basic guidelines on how to submit an article, a detailed explanation of how the peer review process works, and tools and resources to help find the right journal to publish in.

Ten key issues when writing your research paper

Clear, well-written explanations are one of the keys to getting your article accepted. This infographic highlights some of the best advice for each of the different sections of your article: from the title to the keywords and the conclusions.

Tips to write research papers