The Library takes part in a conference related on the evaluation of research quality
Subject: Multidisciplinary09/07/14The Library with Planning and Assessment Office is going to take part in the “XI Foro Internacional sobre la Evaluación de la Calidad de la Investigación y de la Educación Superior”.
This conference will be held at Bilbao (Spain) between 8 and 11 July and is organized by Research Group CTS-261 – AEPC.
The Library is going to present the following oral communication:
- «Implementación de un servicio de apoyo a las convocatorias de evaluación de la investigación» by Clara Riera Quintero (Research Support Library Services), Teresa Pérez García (Planning and Assessment Office) and Rosa Padrós Cuxart (Research Support Library Services).
Rosa Padrós Cuxart
Operative subgroup: Open science and services for research Operative group: Office of the Deputy General Manager for Research and Knowledge Transfer. Open Science