Study on information behaviour of faculty
Subject: Multidisciplinary12/05/14Participation in a study on information behaviour of faculty at the Catalan public universities.
The Consorci de Biblioteques Universitàries de Catalunya (Catalan University Library Association, CBUC) – which now forms part of the Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (Catalan University Services Consortium, CSUC) as the Libraries, Information and Documentation Area – undertakes periodic studies to find out about the information needs of teaching and research staff. These studies allow improvements to be made to the library services offered by the universities and, on occasion, the creation of new ones.
CBUC is inviting faculty at Catalonia’s public universities to take part in a study on their information behaviour. The study is supported by the Catalan government’s Research Department and aims to understand the way Catalan university faculty search and consult academic information.