
Responding to faculty’s needs

Subject:  Multidisciplinary
Woman teaching in front of a computer

The team has been split. One group will focus on monitoring the drafting of the commissions to author resources and the other will focus on documentary support from the Library.

Library Learning Support Services, which forms part of the Library and Academic Services department, has redefined its catalogue of services. The aim is to ensure more effective support for faculty when selecting the learning resources for the subjects taught at the UOC and to offer a better response to their needs.

The team has been split. One group will focus on monitoring the drafting of the commissions to author resources and the other will focus on documentary support from the Library.

Together these learning resources are known as the Classroom Library and students, lecturers and tutors can find them in the Materials and Sources section of classrooms.

You can find more information in this news item published in WOK!
