
Reflecting on impact factor in July's Wok!

Subject:  Multidisciplinary

It indicates the visibility of academic journals in the scientific world and, thus, it is seen as a sign of quality if a researcher publishes in better-ranked journals.

Each year, at the end of June, a new edition of Journal Citations Reports is published. The 2012 edition has been available since 19 June 2013, so researchers can now consult where the journals they published in were ranked in 2012.

Impact factor is the leading bibliometric indicator in the scientific community. It indicates the visibility of academic journals in the scientific world and, thus, it is seen as a sign of quality if a researcher publishes in better-ranked journals in the different subject categories.

Clara Riera explains more about the service in the July's issue of WOK! ( avaiable in catalan or in spanish)

Factor d'impacte

El factor d'impacte d'una revista és la mitjana del nombre de vegades que se cita un article publicat en una revista determinada. S'utilitza per a comparar revistes i avaluar la importància relativa d'una revista dins d'un mateix camp científic. L'Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) s'encarrega d'analitzar les revistes amb aquesta finalitat.