
Open access in action

Subject:  Multidisciplinary
An open padlock

A section of the Library's website with all the information you might need on the open-access movement.

The UOC firmly believes in Open Access (OA). This movement defends the right to free and open access to teaching, academic and scientific content to increase the impact of research, and benefit science and society in general. The coming together of the following three factors was decisive in the rise of the open-access movement:

  • The tools provided by the internet and electronic publishing;
  • The rising cost of accessing scholarly works held by large publishing multinationals;
  • A greater awareness of the need to be able to access the knowledge generated by the whole community of researchers, professors and students.

Open Access Week

Open Access Week is organized every year to learn about and share the advantages of free, unrestricted and direct access to the works published. Universities, research centres, non-profit organizations and public administrations show their commitment to the open-access movement in a number of ways. With this in mind, this year, the UOC is pioneering the first Twitter-based MOOC on open access, which will run from 23 to 27 October.

Open access at the UOC

To coincide with Open Access Week, the UOC Library invites you to take a look at the page on open access on its website. What will you find?
