ORCID, open researcher ID
Subject: Multidisciplinary10/05/13The ORCID initiative aims to solve the problems of identification, ambiguity and duplication of the names of researchers by creating one single register.
The ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) initiative aims to solve the problems of identification, ambiguity and duplication of the names of researchers (authors and contributors) by creating one single register. The ORCID ID thus lets each researcher identify themselves uniquely and simplifies the data entry tasks for the different information systems, given that researchers collaborate with different institutions in a number of disciplines and, thus, have to interact with a range of Current Research Information Systems (CRISs).
ORCID ID is also connected to other author identification systems such as Author Resolver, Inspire, IraLIS, RePEc, ResearcherID, Scopus Author Identifier or VIVO, among others.
To sign up, simply visit https://orcid.org/register and follow the three steps it sets out:
- Register: you just have to enter your name and email address, and create a password.
- Add information to the record: you can enhance your ORCID record with professional information and link to other identifiers (such as SCOPUS, ResearcherID or LinkedIn).
- Use your ORCID ID: include your ORCID ID on personal webpages, when submitting publications or applying for grants, etc.
To have a complete vision about the ORCID Id advantages please read the Brian Kelly post ‘Why every researcher should sign up for their ORCID ID’