New library guide on Corporate Social Responsibility
Subject: Economy and Business07/04/15Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the voluntary commitment of companies and organizations to develop their activities in line with transparent and ethical practices that go beyond what they are legally required to do.
The UOC Library has produced a new dossier on corporate social responsibility (CSR). There is a selection of resources to help you find out more about CSR. These include the main texts that serve as the framework of reference for CSR internationally, websites of some of the leading bodies linked to CSR in Catalonia, Spain and internationally and a selection of the most important national and international standards and regulations on CSR.
We believe that it will be a useful tool for anyone who wants to find out more about corporate social responsibility and for students on different bachelor’s degree, master’s degree and postgraduate courses offered by the University’s Economics and Business Studies Department.
Elisabet Cervera
Operative subgroup: Librarian for Law and Political Science, Doctoral School Operative group: Library for Learning