
New additions and improvements to the Aranzadi legal platform

Subject:  Law and Political Science
Aranzadi Platform

Find information more easily, consult the latest comparative analysis tables and watch videos with expert commentaries on the latest news and sentences.

La Aranzadi platform is ideal for students who are training for the legal profession in the information age. It has jurisprudence, doctrine and legislation that is updated daily, and it comes with the seal of quality of Thomson Reuters, a publisher specializing in law.

Imagine you need to find information on privacy and the internet. With a quick search in Aranzadi, you'll find the data protection regulation and all the sentences on the subject. Likewise, you'll find practical cases, expert commentaries and further reading to find out more about the issue.

Alongside all the usual contents, Thomson Reuters has also made some new additions to the database. The UOC Library's specialist librarian in Law and Political Science, Elisabet Cervera, has singled out some of the most important changes.

  • New comparative analysis tables for regulations in EU countries and the regions of Spain.

These tables summarize the information you need, and highlight similarities and differences between countries and regions. Among the new additions, there's a table comparing EU healthcare law. As we find ourselves in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, you might find it useful to consult the conditions under which European citizens can access medical facilities in another member state and how to claim back any expenses.

The platform now also has tables on value-added tax (VAT) in the European Union, road transport and safety, public procurement and precautionary measures, public procurement and subrogation of employment contracts, and environmental responsibility and authorization.

  • Videos with expert commentaries on the latest news and sentences

When browsing the jurisprudence section, in some cases, you'll find videos of well-known judges and legal professionals talking about the law.

Aranzadi expert commentaries