Israel Ruíz helps start the new 2016/2017 academic year
Subject: Multidisciplinary10/10/16Today saw the inaugural lecture marking the beginning of the new 2016/2017 academic year.
For the UOC community, this annual gathering represents a chance for reflection. On this occasion we have been guided by a renowned expert, who can help us appreciate the reality of the present times we live in.
It recognition of this, the UOC’s Library offers you a special dossier of resources on this year’s guest, Israel Ruiz, who has been Executive Vice President and Treasurer of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) since 2007. He is also on the board of directors for Aura Biosciences, a biotech start-up, for MIT Press, for Harvard and MIT’s Cooperative Society ("The Coop"), for MIT Endicott House, and is involved with the Princess of Girona Foundation (FPdGI).
In the resources dossier you can find further details about his professional career, interviews he has provided in various media channels, and some of the presentations he has given at assorted conferences and workshops.