
Do you know all these social media? Get connected

Subject:  Economy and Business | Information and Communication Sciences
Author: Sandra Pérez

With this guide you'll find out about other professional social media beyond LinkedIn 

In 2020, a year marked by COVID-19, the number of social media users worldwide rose by over 13% (490 million) to 4.2 billion (equivalent to half the world's population), according to the study Digital 2021 Global Overview Report carried out by Hootsuite and We Are Social. 

Our team of librarians has selected a set of varied contents for you to learn more about the constantly growing ecosystem of social media. You may find the new library guide useful for your personal branding, creating and publicizing contents or sharing knowledge on social media specific to your field of study.

What's available?

The first section of the guide provides an introduction to social media, the different types there are and how they have shaken up the way we communicate. This first part will also give you the chance to review their main risks and benefits. 

It is followed by a long list of social media. Some of them are general, well-known media such as Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp and Instagram; and others are newly emerging. You can find, for example, a network for connecting with your neighbours and one for sharing 6-second videos with other users. 

We have also drawn up a list of professional digital platforms that may help you establish work-related relationships and share interests with other users in your profession. You will find networks in the fields of arts and humanities; health sciences; communication and design; law and political science; economy and business; computer science, multimedia and telecommunications; and education sciences.

The library guide also includes a bibliography section with articles, videos and books on each of the various social media outlets. It includes, among others, an analysis of China's most famous messaging app, WeChat, and a study on WhatsApp as university students' main communication tool. 

In the last section we invite you to take a critical look at social media and everything entailed in their use, such as sharing personal data and their effects on our lives and habits.

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