
Are you looking for information? Videos of the Library's latest seminars are now available

Subject:  Economy and Business | Multidisciplinary
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Author: Sandra Pérez (foto: freestocks -

Two recordings to learn how to find doctoral theses or information to draw up your marketing plan

You'll find recordings of all the seminars held by the Library on the BiblioSkills training site

Learn how to search for doctoral theses or marketing information with the videos of the latest webinars held by the Library in partnership with ProQuest.

Resources for writing a marketing plan

In the recording of this seminar, you can find out where and how to find Library resources for your marketing plan, such as Developing a marketing plan – NIVEA, a case study explaining the plan for launching a product.


  • What content is available? In addition to the information you find using the Library's search engine, there are resources with specialized marketing content, such as ProQuest Central. This platform includes magazines, newspapers, case studies, SWOT analyses of other companies, and data on organizations, specific industries and markets.
  • How to perform a search: If you want to do a search within ProQuest Central, the advanced search tool will guide you. All you have to do is fill in the requested fields. Using certain techniques, such as quotation marks (""), the near search operator or filters, will help you get better results.
  • What to do with the results: Save your searches, automatically cite documents, send results by email or download content in PDF format.
  • Where can I find industry and market reports? From the Browse section of ProQuest Central, click on Industry and Market Research. Then choose an industry from the list.
  • Final summary of all the search tips.

Where to find PhD theses for your research

This video presents ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, one of the Library's databases where you can find doctoral theses for your research or final project.


  • What is ProQuest Dissertations & Theses? This database includes more than three million multidisciplinary theses from around the world. They can be downloaded in full in PDF format, and new ones are added every month. There are theses ranging from the early 20th century to the present day.
  • How to perform a search: Check out a demonstration of how to use search techniques such as quotation marks (""), truncations (*), search operators (near) or filters for more accurate results.
  • How to do a more advanced search: The database's advanced search tool guides you and provides other fields to further refine your results.
  • What to do with the results: Read doctoral theses online, download them as PDF files, set up search alerts to receive alerts when new documents are published, or read other theses related to the subject.
  • How to consult specific theses: You can consult the theses of other universities, such as Yale or Harvard, a particular author's thesis or the theses tutored by a specific expert.

Do you want more content like this? Visit BiblioSkills, the Library's training site.