Meet the team

Rosa Padrós Cuxart
Operative group: Open Science OfficeWork fields:
Open-access learning, Research assessment, FAIR data, Open knowledge, Open publishingHow can Rosa Padrós Cuxart help you?
She works alongside the research staff and accompanies them throughout the research process, from finding and handling information to assessing the quality of their scientific output. She is an expert in open access and open science and in bibliometrics.
In addition, she is co-manager of the UOC's institutional repository, O2, which centralizes the UOC community's digital publications to increase their visibility and impact.
She is manager of the support service for accreditation calls organized by the rating agencies.
She coordinates Open Knowledge Action Plan we aim to make the UOC a hub for open knowledge, one with global reach capable of providing solutions to the global challenges.
Education and professional career
She has worked both in the public administration and in the private sector, in the field of archival science and documentation. Her current role is in research support.
Rosa holds an official llicenciatura degree in Information Science from the University of Barcelona (UB), and a postgraduate course in Electronic Document Management from the Graduate School of Archival and Records Management (UAB). She has broadened her training with complementary courses: research assessment, use of the DSpace software, etc.
Her academic and professional experience has enabled her to acquire a broad knowledge in open access and self-archiving policies, bibliometric indicators and open-access research data management (RDM).
She is currently a member of the Catalan University Service Consortium's (CSUC) Research Support Group, and the Spanish University Libraries Network's (REBIUN) Repositories Group.
Personal interests
I enjoy travelling, playing the piano and hiking.