Meet the team

Joan Puig
Operative group: Library for Learning. Librarian for Law and Political Science, Doctoral SchoolWork fields:
Advice and support for teaching staff, Learning resources, Searching for specialized information, Managing bibliography, Management of classroom software, Quality of resourcesHow can Joan Puig help you?
Joan is the subject librarian Faculty of Law and Political Science and the Doctoral School. She provides support for teaching staff from these faculties in the selection and management of learning resources. Her day-to-day work also involves answering their queries and doubts and suggesting materials that may be of use in their courses.
He is also responsible for managing learning resources relating to software and helps update the recommendations on bibliography management shared with the university community.
Like her other colleagues at the Library, she attends to the queries received by The Library Replies service and prepares Library Guides with useful resources to help you develop a particular argument.
Education and professional career
Joan holds a bachelor's degree in Information and Documentation from the UOC, with a professional specialization in Information Services Management. He previously worked at a bank, where he was responsible for its document management system, with duties including document selection, the digitalization and cataloguing of files and other financial, legal and property sector-related tasks.
After this work experience, he did an internship at the UOC Library and later took up the position of learning resource manager of the Faculty of Information and Communication Sciences and the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. He has also been a subject librarian for the Faculty of Law and Political Science since before taking on his current role.
Personal interests
Reading, from novels to journalistic articles, good eating in good company, travelling when he can, listening to old and modern music, and drawing and writing from time to time.