Meet the team

Cecília Lacueva
Operative group: Library for Learning. Economics and Business resource manager, vocational training and advanced-level training courses for professionalsWork fields:
Advice and support for teaching staff, Learning resources, Design and editing assistanceHow can Cecília Lacueva help you?
The UOC Library offers wide range of learning resources. Some of the resources found in our classrooms are produced in-house with input from the experts on each of the courses. They come in various different formats such as wiki content, blogs, manuals or videos.
Cecília is responsible for handling content produced by teaching staff from the Faculty of Economics and Business and for taking care of different needs that arise in the production process, for instance authorship contracts or the monitoring of schedules and expenditure. She also responds to any doubts that authors express and takes delivery of the new content. Her day-to-day tasks also include making sure that all the learning resources are properly placed in the classrooms.
He is also responsible for providing authors with the guidelines necessary for creating new learning resources for the UOC's classrooms
Education and professional career
Twenty years ago she began a career in publishing in which she has performed in a variety of roles, working as an editor, a translator and, most of all, a project manager. In her work leading projects she has been responsible for coordinating teams and has always sought to ensure the quality of the product and adherence to the budget and schedule set, from the initial request through to the final delivery.
Her educational background in English language and translation has allowed to enjoy spells teaching children and adults both in and outside of schools, her specialization being English language teaching. This has helped her develop a practical view on what is required of learning resources; in particular, she values those that are designed to provide a lively, dynamic and enjoyable learning experience.