Meet the team

Bruna Santanach

Bruna Santanach

Operative group: Office of the Deputy General Manager for Research and Knowledge Transfer. Open Science. Open science and services for research

Work fields:

Open knowledge, Open publishing

How can Bruna Santanach help you?

Her role consists of managing the data that results from research activity, from scientific output to the impact or visibility of this output. This includes preparing and maintaining reports, as well as providing curated data in this field. She also provides specialist support in other data-related tasks to the rest of the Open Science team.

Education and professional career

She has bachelor's degrees in Applied Statistics and Sociology from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and she joined the UOC as an intern in the Strategic Planning Office. She subsequently took on her current position in the Open Science unit.

Public profiles

Personal interests

Hiking, reading, going to concerts in little-known venues and working with non-profit organizations take up a significant amount of her time.