Library Guides
The Library team puts together dossiers with selected recommended content in different formats, from websites to videos, journals or books. Many of our Library guides are produced in partnership with the University's faculties and research centres.
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English language resources
Subject: Multidisciplinarycategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseThe Language Service UOC Language & Style link opens in a new window This site, produced and maintained by staff at... -
Evaluation of scientific journals
Subject: Multidisciplinarycategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseInternational bibliometric indexes The leading international bibliometric indexes, describing their indicators and level... -
Evidence-based practice
Subject: Economy and Businesscategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseWhat is evidence-based practice? ¿Qué son Prácticas Basadas en Evidencia (PBE)? link opens in a new window The Third... -
Fake News
Subject: Information and Communication Sciencescategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseWhat is fake news? Alexandre López-Borrull sobre fake scienceExperts from the UOC reflect upon the information ecosystem... -
Family law
Subject: Law and Political Sciencecategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseGeneral definition Range of family law definitions, their context, FAQs and news referring to this branch of law. «Derecho... -
Final projects with a gender perspective
Subject: Multidisciplinarycategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseStarting point Resources that encourage reflection on the need to include the gender perspective from the beginning... -
Food and gender
Subject: Health Sciences | Multidisciplinarycategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseAccess to food and the importance of gender in food production Equidad entre géneros en la agricultura y el desarrollo... -
Food Communication
Subject: Health Sciencescategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseGeneral aspects and historical dimension La alimentación como mediación comunicativa. Estudio del discurso nutricional... -
Food sustainability
Subject: Health Sciencescategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falsePresentation Every year, the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and all the organizations... -
Francesca Bria. Inaugural lecture 2021/2022
Subject: Computer science, Multimedia and Telecommunicationscategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseAbout Francesca Bria Francesca Bria on Wikipedia link opens in a new window Wikipedia entry on Francesca Bria. Francesca... -
Gamification, games and gender
Subject: Multidisciplinarycategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseWhat is gamification? Gamification link opens in a new window Wikipedia entry available in multiple languages that offers... -
Gender and sexuality library guide
Subject: Arts and humanitiescategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseSexuality Set of resources on sexuality in the Catalan-speaking territories. «Orígens i Història del Moviment Homosexual... -
Gender perspective for teaching
Subject: Economy and Businesscategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseReference guides and documents "Las igualdad de género en los estudios de grado en comunicación: la transversalidad... -
Graphic design tools
Subject: Information and Communication Sciences | Multidisciplinarycategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseAdobe Illustrator tutorials Tutoriales de Illustrator - Adobe link opens in a new window Official Adobe Illustrator... -
Hanna Damásio. Honorary Doctor
Subject: Health Sciences | Psychology and Educational Sciencescategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseSearch results Wikipedia - Hanna Damásio link opens in a new window Hanna Damásio’s Wikipedia entry. Summon - Hanna... -
Human Resources in organizations
Subject: Economy and Business | Psychology and Educational Sciencescategories.isEmpty false
userProgramList falseWhat are they? Gestión de Recursos Humanos: qué es, funciones y objetivos link opens in a new window An article that...