Food sustainability
Eating is an essential part of our everyday life, yet not everyone is privileged enough to enjoy an appropriate and unrestricted diet.
The impact of climate change on development and on food security is an issue for consideration and for global concern. People with limited resources are being affected by higher temperatures and the increasing frequency of climate-related disasters.
Every year, the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and all the organizations concerned about this and fighting for the global "Zero Hunger Challenge" dedicate a few special days to them. The aim is to promote more sustainable food systems that guarantee access to food and a healthy and varied diet to people around the world.
What is the right to food?
Some definitions on the right to food, in order to understand the concept better.
The FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) definition of the right to food gives rise to varying interpretations by different organizations.
Fact sheet drafted by the FAO on the right to food. Contains a definition, the application of the right to various groups and the obligations of governments.
Definition of the right to food produced by the International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR-Net).
The right to food in the English version of Wikipedia. Contains the definition of the concept, some historical points and the legal status, among other information of interest.
Project which fights to change the current situation affecting the right to food in Catalonia. The report was drafted by various organizations: Education for Critical Action (EdPAC); Research group in human rights and sustainability (GIDHS) of the UPC's UNESCO Sustainability Chair; Observatory of Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (DESC) and Entrepueblos.
Professional organizations and associations
Summary of key organizations and associations that operate in the sphere of the right to food.
United Nations organization which is working to achieve food security and access to food worldwide. The FAO implements numerous projects around the world and promotes campaigns such as the widely-known Zero Hunger Challenge.
Brings together experts from different disciplines and fields of expertise, who debate on the reform of global food systems. They study issues such as malnutrition, obesity, the insecurity of rural life and the degradation of the environment.
An EU-funded agency founded in 2002 following a series of food crises that took place in the late 90s to act as a source of scientific advice and communication on the risks associated with the food chain. The publications of the EFSA are frequent and noteworthy; it has a magazine which publishes reports and articles of scientific opinion.
Operates to offer research-based policy solutions in order to reduce poverty, hunger and malnutrition in developing countries in a sustainable way. The centre is part of the CGIAR Consortium, an international association dedicated to agricultural research for development.
The network brings together 280 NGOs, social movements and activists from 75 countries. Its mission is to create "a global movement to make human rights and social justice a reality for all”.
A historic organization which fights for the right to adequate food. It publishes a magazine and produces its own videos.
A foundation which brings together various organizations, bodies and experts in the sphere of food and catering whose mission is to ensure the recognition of Catalan cuisine. Its main activities are related to research and dissemination in various spheres. It contains a specific section on local recipes.
Research centre dedicated to food technology innovation and research, improving the dietary habits of society and finding culinary solutions to specific food needs that cause specific pathologies and illnesses.
An association which brings together 55 food banks throughout Spain. Its main task is to collect food donated by individuals.
An international association present in 160 countries. It main aim is to teach people how to enjoy diverse foods, to recognize the location of production and to respect seasonality.
A foundation created by Slow Food International, a body which works to protect food biodiversity. It involves thousands of small producers around the world in its projects, offers technical assistance and skills, interaction among producers and communication.
Food sustainability
This particularly focuses on sustainability, highlighting food biodiversity and returning to the consumption of foods with a high nutritional value, as a sustainable solution to world hunger and malnutrition.
Consumption of seasonal produce
Resources and publications on the consumption of the most suitable produce for each season.
List of publications by the Alícia Foundation on seasonal produce. Each publication is presented in the form of a fact sheet which provides information on the product, where it is produced, the best moment to consume it, recipes, etc.
Food biodiversity
Publications on food biodiversity, containing information ranging from nutritional indicators to details such as the origin of certain produce.
The FAO International Network of Food Data Systems (INFOODS) lists a series of its own publications and materials on nutritional indicators for biodiversity, policy advice, international treaties and sustainable diets.
Publication produced by the Slow Food Foundation for Biodiversity on animal biodiversity, the origin of the domestication of the animal kingdom and why so few species have been domesticated.
Results of the search conducted in the UOC Library's catalogue. This mainly contains newspaper publications.
Healthy food
Summary of publications on the recommended habits for a healthy diet, during both childhood and adulthood.
The FAROS Observatory of the Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona Children's Hospital publishes this guide on good food habits for children. Its aim is to answer questions, quash myths and clarify concepts for parents.
The Alícia Foundation has produced this chart with myths and realities about food safety and food habits.
The Mediterranean Diet Foundation defines what the Mediterranean diet consists of by presenting a food pyramid and informative.
Showcase of gastronomy and local food and agricultural produce from Catalonia, Balearic Islands and Alghero, promoting and supporting their commercialization.
Food waste
Summary of resources and publications advising consumers on good consumption of food, reducing and preventing waste.
The Government of Catalonia sets out the main causes of food waste by sector and a series of tips on how to reduce and control your expenditure.
The Catalan Waste Agency, advice, publications, a Solidarity Food Distribution Table, experiences and campaigns, seminars and resources.
In this space the European Union provides information on actions that need to be taken to tackle food waste. Here we can find a repository of good practices to prevent food waste, communication materials to raise awareness and a library of food waste resources.
Sustainable food production
Summary of publications and actions and programmes being implemented concerning sustainable food production.
This FAO report provides an overall evaluation of the scale of greenhouse gas emissions, and the sources and paths of the emissions of the different livestock production systems and supply chains.
Special FAO section dedicated to sustainable food and agriculture, where you can find a series of publications, news items and the five principles of sustainable agriculture.
List of FAO publications on the consumption and production of sustainable foods.
Cookery guide explaining what pulses are and why they are important foods of the future. It is being published because this year is the international year of pulses, an initiative being promoted by the FAO.
Results of the search conducted in the UOC Library's catalogue. This mainly contains newspaper publications and books.
Special environmental section published by the European Commission on food sustainability, with an emphasis on consumption and production.
Regulations and directives relating to the right to food that exist around the world, with a special focus on Europe.
Article 11 of the covenant speaks of the “right of everyone to an adequate standard of living for himself and his family, including adequate food, clothing and housing, and to the continuous improvement of living conditions".
Directives drawn up by the FAO which aim to offer governments guidance on implementing the right to adequate food.
FAO database providing references on the constitutional recognition of the right to food. It can be searched by clicking on a country on the map or through a series of filters.
Document published by the FAO which offers practical guidance on the implementation of the right to food at the national level. Includes examples of best practices in various countries.
Regulation which aims to establish a legal framework that guarantees food security within the European Union.
Regulation on the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived.
Specific chapter of the Spanish Yearbook of International Law dealing with food and international law.
Book published by the Government of Catalonia on the recognition of food as a right and the role played by states in economic and legal terms.
Campaigns and initiatives of interest
Campanyes d’interès sobre el dret a l’alimentació implantades arreu del món, focalitzant-ho d’una manera especial a Catalunya.
Every year, the FAO organizes a campaign. This year, it is International Year of Pulses.
World Food Day campaign, organized by the FAO. This campaign urges all countries to implement its plans of action on climate and to invest in rural development from a food and agriculture perspective.
This is one of the seventeen goals of the "United Nations Development Programme". The programme aims to end all forms of hunger and malnutrition by 2030.
Food collection campaign for people who require food aid given their low-income or precarious economic situation.
Global movement to promote solidarity among individuals, organizations and companies. It is held on 29 November and includes projects on the right to food.
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