Which file formats can I include in the repository?

You can include files in whatever format you prefer: applications, video, audio, etc.

However, we recommend that you use open formats to ensure the preservation of materials in the long term because they are based on open standards, free of legal and economic use restrictions.

In this regard for text documents we recommend the use of pdf format, not only because almost everyone can open PDF documents without having to buy any software, but also because Internet search engines retrieve perfectly the text of the documents in this format.

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We'll contact you within a maximum of 48 working hours, excluding non-teaching periods and UOC holidays.

Service commitment. See the service regulations.

Library Access

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The Library Replies Service

Presentation of the Library Replies Service.


Service mentors

If you have any questions about how the Library works, its services, resources or collections, let us know!

Operative group: 

Maria Puigdueta, is in charge of the Library Replies service.