When I try to access resources from the Library, a message appears stating that the connection is not secure. What should I do?

Sometimes when trying to access the UOC's digital resources, a message might appear warning you that a website cannot be trusted or that the connection is not secure, which therefore blocks you from accessing the page. You have to approve non-secure connections if you want to access the resource.

Here's how to do it on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer.

Google Chrome:

  • Go to “Advanced settings”, which will open up more information. 
  • Click on “Proceed to access site URL (unsafe)”.

Mozilla Firefox:

  • Go to “Advanced”.  
  • Click on “Add Exception...”. 
  • Click on “Confirm Security Exception”.

Internet Explorer:

  • Click on “Continue to this website (not recommended)”.

Related questions

  • Follow these steps to find information:

    • Enter the Library's search engine and write the keywords, the title of the content or the author's name and surname in the search box.

    The search engine retrieves content including books, articles, journals, videos, images, degree final projects, UOC learning resources and recommended reading by the teaching staff in the classrooms.

    • Use the filters in the sidebar (type of content, date, language, etc.).
    • Click on Available online to access the content.
    • Improve your results with our search tips.

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El servicio de consultas La Biblioteca responde

Vídeo de presentación del servicio de consultas La Biblioteca responde.


Referente del servicio

If you have any questions about how the Library works, its services, resources or collections, let us know!

Operative group: 

Maria Puigdueta, is in charge of the Library Replies service.