What documents can you request?

You can request any books relating to teaching, learning and research at the UOC.

Digital titles will be given priority, and we will only send you a paper version if the book is not available in digital format.

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Fes-nos una consulta

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Resposta en 48 hores laborables, a excepció dels períodes no lectius i els festius establerts per la UOC.

Compromís de servei. Vegeu la normativa del servei.

Library Access

Any other queries



El servei de consultes La Biblioteca respon

Vídeo de presentació del servei de consultes La Biblioteca respon.


Referent del servei

If you have any questions about how the Library works, its services, resources or collections, let us know!

Operative group: 

Maria Puigdueta, is in charge of the Library Replies service.