What are the benefits of open-access publishing?

  • Increased visibility for scientific literature.
  • More impact of publications: increase in the number of author and publication citations.
  • The ability to access documents forever.
  • Open-access content can be easily retrieved. Guaranteed preservation of research results.
  • Increased visibility of institutions.

Related questions

  • Many publishing policies allow you to publish at least the preprint.

    • Preliminary version or preprint: This is the manuscript sent to the publisher for review, before the peer review process.
    • Reviewed preliminary version or postprint: This is the version accepted by the publisher (after the peer review process and corrections).
    • Published version: This is the publisher's final version, the one that will be available in the journal (offline/online).
  • Yes, as long as you produced the document in the framework of your activity at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Open University of Catalonia, UOC), and as long as this is permitted by the contract you signed with the publisher of the scientific journal. To find out what is permitted or not by the publisher, if you don’t have a copy of the signed contract, you can consult it through the international publishers’ database SHERPA-ROMEO and/or the national publishers’ database DULCINEA.

  • You can deposit the file yourself in the portal. All you have to do is follow these simple steps for your particular profile.

    When you enter a publication in the UOC's research assessment tool, GIR, click on the Publish in the Repository button to automatically fill in the form for depositing documents in the UOC's O2 institutional repository. Then upload the document (preferably, the pre-print version) and check the data entered.

  • A user who accesses from the portal or directly from the address https://openaccess.uoc.edu/, gains access as an external user, and only has access to unrestricted navigation in the repository collection, and once one registers as a user of the repository (external users UOC), they will have access to the service My repository that will only allow them to subscribe to receive alerts by e-mail when new documents are published in the collections to which they are subscribed.

    If you enter from the campus of the UOC, once logged in via a campus session, you will have access to the entire repository collection and the option of publishing a document in the repository, as well as to all the added value services offered to you by the repository: exploitation RefWorks, My repository with advanced options such as consulting the status of your remittances, reinitiate remittance of a document that hasn’t finished, etc.

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Library Access

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El servei de consultes La Biblioteca respon

Vídeo de presentació del servei de consultes La Biblioteca respon.


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If you have any questions about how the Library works, its services, resources or collections, let us know!

Operative group: 

Maria Puigdueta, is in charge of the Library Replies service.