How can I collect and return books on UOC loan to the Jaume Fuster Library?

To pick up a book at the Jaume Fuster Library, simply select it from the drop-down menu when requesting the loan.

We will send an email to your UOC address to notify you when the book arrives. You can pick it up from the desk at the Jaume Fuster Library. You will need identify yourself with your UOC card or your identity card.

Check the opening hours for the Jaume Fuster Library. If you cannot get to the libary, you can authorize someone else to pick it up for you.

You can use the mailbox at the Jaume Fuster Library to return the book,. If you cannot return it yourself, you can get someone else to return it for you. 

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Resposta en 48 hores laborables, a excepció dels períodes no lectius i els festius establerts per la UOC.

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Operative group: 

Maria Puigdueta, is in charge of the Library Replies service.