¿Tienes 30 minutos? Encuentra nuevas lecturas en eLibro

The eLibro platform offers you more than one hundred thousand ebooks in Spanish. In this video, you will learn how to search for, read online and download books on digital loan using the application available for desktop and mobile devices. You will also meet eLi, an artificial intelligence assistant which will answer your questions about the books.


¿Tienes 30 minutos? Encuentra nuevas lecturas en eLibro (32')

¿Tienes 30 minutos? Encuentra nuevas lecturas en eLibro 

  • How to create an account: Create an eLibro account to have a personal area, My shelf, where you can store your favourite books. You can create folders to organize them.
  • How to do a search: Use tricks such as quotation marks (" "), Boolean operators (AND, OR and NOT) or search filters. If you need help, the advanced search tool will guide you in your searches.
  • How to use eLi, the AI assistant: A real-life example of how the eLibro platform's virtual assistant works.
  • How to read a book online: Access the online reader with the Read online button. You can have the text read out loud, add notes, underline or save individual chapters in PDF files.
  • How to download a book: Click on Download and download the app to read the entire book for a limited time.

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#Digital collection #Information resources