Encuentra recursos de Psicología en la Biblioteca
This session provides an overview of all the resources for Psychology provided by ProQuest. Bibliographic information, journal articles and videos are just some of the resources we can help you find efficiently. We'll also explain how to organize the results and find further information.
The key ideas
- The psychology content in the Library. We present three resources with the APA seal of quality, APA PsycInfo, PsycArticles and APA PsycTherapy, as well as other complementary resources for expanding your search.
- How to perform an effective search in APA PsycInfo. Use advanced search mechanisms such as proximity operators, Boolean operators, quotation marks, asterisks and parentheses. Use filters to refine your results even further.
The following search is performed in the video: "cognitive behavioural therapy" near/4 trauma near/4 (you* teen* adolesc*). The operator near indicates the proximity between the words, and the asterisk is used to obtain results that include all the derivatives of the terms you* teen* adolesc*, such as teens and teenager.
- What you can do with the results from APA PsycInfo. Learn how to cite results automatically, send references to your Google Drive, and create alerts for your searches to receive notifications in your email.
- How to perform an advanced search in APA PsycInfo. An explanation of how to use the thesaurus, a vocabulary for the database specializing in the field of psychology.
- How to perform a search in APA Psychotherapy. The collection of videos lets you search by therapeutic approach, therapist or therapy topic. Transcriptions of the videos and subtitles are available.
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#Information search #Digital collection #Information resources