El arte de saber buscar: selecciona tus términos de búsqueda

You have a vast amount of information at your fingertips these days, and doing a little thinking beforehand can be very useful in your academic life. In this session we explain the benefits of selecting search terms properly, understanding how records in academic databases are structured, converting your search into concepts, and enumerating operators.


Webinar #InfoSkillsUOC: El arte de saber buscar, cómo seleccionar tus términos de búsqueda | UOC

Before entering a word in the search engine, stop and think for a moment about what you need, to form a clear idea of where and what to search for.

Webinar #InfoSkillsUOC: El arte de saber buscar, cómo seleccionar tus términos de búsqueda | UOC 

YouTube playlist of the #InfoSkillsUOC Cycle: search for specialized information

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Student, Researcher


#Information search #Digital collection