Psychology Database
A collection where you will find many of the journals included in PsychINFO. As well as clinical and social psychology, it also provides coverage of disciplines that are related with them, such as the psychology of business and economics, communication or criminology. In addition to specialized publications, it offers different types of content ranging between dissertations and training videos to help you connect theory with practice. Its titles include Development and Psychopathology and the Journal of Youth and Adolescents.
- Study area
- Subject: Health Sciences, Psychology and Educational Sciences
- What can you find?
- Subject: Electronic journals
- Who can access this?
Student, Research staff, Teaching staff, Affiliated teaching staff, Administrative staff
Want to know more?
This session was focused on a complete revision of the online platforms available through the Library on the psychology.

You can learn to identify search terms, devise strategies to locate contents, and analyse and select information sources on the ProQuest platforms.