Library guides
Subject: Arts and humanities Law and Political ScienceYouth in Europe: characterizing the millennials
The millennial generation, those born between the early 80's and mid- 90's, or even early 2000's, are a very different generation from their predecessor, Generation X, and their successor, Generation Z. The millennials are today's European youth and this dossier studies their identifying features and their political motivation and demotivation.

The Youth
A compilation of resources that address different aspects of youth in Europe.
The information about news and events is published in a blog format, with a dynamic, attractive presentation, and filters are provided that help you find any item of interest within a particular time range or geographical location.
It includes 34 countries and is available in 28 languages. It focuses on eight main themes: European Solidarity Corps, Working, Learning, Have your say, Culture and creativity, Social inclusion, Think global, Travelling.
It is prepared by the European Commission from data provided by each country's governments and the young people themselves.
A number of initiatives are represented on it, such as freedom of movement, investing in youth, empowerment, volunteering, quality jobs or the right to vote at 16.
Jared Kleinert is the founder of Kleinert Ventures, a marketing consulting firm with which he works with millennials, and he is co-author of 2 Billion Under 20.
Librarians responsible for this library guide
Bárbara Badell
Operative subgroup: Librarian for Arts and Humanities, vocational training Operative group: Library for LearningJoan Puig
Operative subgroup: Librarian for Law and Political Science, Doctoral School Operative group: Library for Learning