Library guides
Subject: Arts and humanitiesWilliam J. Mitchell. Honorary Doctor
On the occasion of the investiture of William J. Mitchell as Honorary Doctor, the UOC Virtual Library has compiled this collection of resources with direct access to catalogues (from universities, at national and international level, etc.), databases and organisations related to his life and work.

Search results
Documents that we can find in the Catalan Universities' Collective Catalogue by using the pre-recorded search for William J. Mitchell.
Pre-recorded search for William J. Mitchell in the National Library of Catalonia's Catalogue.
Pre-recorded search for William J. Mitchell in the National Library of Spain's Catalogue.
Documents by William J. Mitchell available in the various Spanish universities' libraries. Consultation accessible through the REBIUN Catalogue (Spanish University Libraries Network).
A pre-recorded search on Summon, the search engine for the UOC Virtual Library collections.
Librarians responsible for this library guide
Bárbara Badell
Operative subgroup: Librarian for Arts and Humanities, vocational training Operative group: Library for Learning