Library guides

Subject:  Computer science, Multimedia and Telecommunications

Theoretical framework of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has existed for years, but in recent months it has evolved very rapidly. Why is this? What innovations has it entailed? In this library guide, you will find theoretical, basic and specific content on artificial intelligence, its types and its uses.

Key with "ai"

Basic concepts

¿Qué es y cómo funciona la INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL?

Video explaining what artificial intelligence is, how it works, and the types of AI.


What is AI?

Video explaining what AI is, how it works, and its advantages and disadvantages.


Cómo funcionan las redes neuronales – Inteligencia Artificial

Video to understand how neural networks work.


Neural Network in 5 minutes

Video to understand how neural networks act and the various layers of data.


Decision tree classification clearly explained!

Video about decision trees in AI and their components.


What is prompt engineering? (in about a minute)

One-minute video to learn what prompt engineering is and its importance in relation to chatbots.


Cómo crear prompts efectivos

Video explaining the steps to follow to create effective prompts and receive better responses from AI.


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