Library guides
Subject: Arts and humanitiesMustapha Cherif. Inaugural lecture 2009-2010 for the Catalan university System
This year's inaugural lecture of the academic year 2009-2010 for the Catalan university System will be given at the UOC by Mustapha Cherif, Algerian philosopher and expert in Islam and universal culture, author of around a hundred articles on the subject of dialogue between civilisations and Head of the UOC International Graduate Institute's Islamic and Arabic Studies area. The Library has produced a dossier with links to catalogues (from the University, Catalonia, Spain, etc.), databases, videos, interviews and organisations linked to his career.

Search results
Pre-recorded search for Mustapha Cherif in the University Union Catalogue of Catalonia.
Pre-recorded search for Mustapha Cherif in the Library of Congress Catalog.
Documents by Mustapha Cherif available in the libraries of Spanish universities. Consultation accessible through the REBIUN catalogue (Network of Spanish University Libraries).
A pre-recorded search on Summon, the search engine for the UOC Virtual Library collections.
Librarians responsible for this library guide
Elisabet Cervera
Operative subgroup: Librarian for Health, ICT skills Operative group: Library for Learning