Library guides
Subject: Health SciencesFood Communication
How do we communicate information about food? This guide has a collection of media outlets and influencers who promote healthy eating habits, and reliable sources of information for understanding product labelling or the limits on food advertising.

General aspects and historical dimension
Doctoral thesis on the nature of nutritional discourse, its cultural implications in the context of mass media and the centring of nutrients in new narratives.
Sánchez Sabaté, Rubén. La alimentación como mediación comunicativa. Estudio del discurso nutricional desde la antropología de la comunicación [tesi a internet]. Barcelona: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; 2017 [accessed May 24, 2023]. Available from:
Blog by historian Sarah Wassberg Johnson on the history of food in the United States.
Article on the evolution of nutritional parameters and related information aimed at consumers over the last 50 years.
Quirós-villegas, Deyanira; Estévez-martínez, Isabel; Perales-garcía, Aránzazu; Urrialde, Rafael. Evolución de la información y comunicación nutricional en los alimentos y bebidas en los últimos 50 años. Nutrición Hospitalaria [internet]. 2017 set [accessed May 24, 2023]; 34(4):19-25. Available from:
This chapter explores theoretical and methodological approaches to the phenomenon of food-related communication.
Lizie, Arthur. Food and comunication. A: Routledge International Handbook of Food Studies [internet]. Abingdon: Routledge; 2017 [accessed May 24, 2023]. p. 27-38. Available from:
Semi-annual publication by the Spanish Association of Health Communication (AECS) and the Universidad Carlos III Madrid (UC3M) covering the fields of communication and health in today's society.
Librarians responsible for this library guide
Elisabet Cervera
Operative subgroup: Librarian for Health, ICT skills Operative group: Library for Learning