Library guides
Subject: Health SciencesAlejandro R. Jadad Bechara. Honorary Doctor
The UOC Library has compiled this dossier to celebrate the awarding of an honorary doctorate to Alejandro R. Jadad Bechara. Jadad was the founder of the Centre for Global eHealth Innovation at the University of Toronto, where he also works as professor and director of the Institute for Global Health Equity and Innovation.

Who is he?
In 1989, he published El paciente neuroquirurgico: manejo anestésico y de cuidados intensivos (The neurosurgery patient: anaesthetic and intensive care management), the first book written on this subject in Spanish. He used a fellowship at Oxford University to broaden his knowledge of complex pain cases and their treatment. His work led to the creation of new tools for screening important information, new methods for creating databases to support medical decisions and the validation of the Jadad scale. He is a member of various organizations, such as the Colombian Science and Technology Network, the Cochrane Consumer Network, the International Medical Informatics Association, and the World Health Organization, among others.
Alejandro R. Jadad's entry in Wikipedia.
Document that collect information about Alejandro R. Jadad's background, training and objectives.
Alejandro R. Jadad's YouTube channel, where we can find a selection of interviews on different news media.
A compilation of interviews and news reports published about Alejandro R. Jadad in the newspaper El País.
Librarians responsible for this library guide
Elisabet Cervera
Operative subgroup: Librarian for Health, ICT skills Operative group: Library for Learning