Can I go to another university library in Catalonia to collect a book in person?
You can pick up the book in person at the university library which owns it.
You will always have to prove your identity with your UOC card.
Before going, and only the first time, you'll need to sign in to My account with your Virtual Campus username and password to automatically update your details as a user of the loan service.
Related questions
How can other institutions supply documents to the UOC Library?
Except for institutions with the same administration system as the UOC Library, Spanish and international institutions have the following email for sending documents in digital format to the UOC Library:
The UOC Library address for sending borrowed books is:
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Biblioteca DISNET. Central de Préstec
Cl Pla d’en Fonollar, 15
Polígon Industrial Riu Sec
08205 Sabadell (Barcelona)
Spain -
What digital documents can be requested from the Library?
Any digital document related to teaching, learning and research at the UOC that is not in the Library's collection or in those of other university libraries in Catalonia that offer consortium loans (PUC).
How long before I receive the digital document?
Delivery times vary depending on document type and availability, as well as where the document comes from and the supplying institution’s study period.
Our team is committed to doing everything that may be necessary to send you the document as quickly as possible.
Is there a cost for the digital article request service?
The service has no cost to members of the UOC community, except for the costs associated with home deliveries.
If you would like further information, please consult the table listing the current rates:
Supplying entity Cost Catalan University Library Association (CSUC) €0.12 per copy Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) €5 for a set of 40 copies
€1 per additional set of 10 copiesOther Spanish university libraries
€5 for a set of 40 copies
€1 per additional set of 10 copiesOCLC €30 per search Other national and international libraries or institutions €5/0.5 IFLA voucher per item
The supply of copies is subject to and not exempt from VAT, regardless of the format (PDF, TIFF, etc.).
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