Evaluate your research

Learn how research is assessed, what bibliometric indicators are and how social impact is measured. We offer the requisite resources and services.


How are scientific publications assessed? What are the so-called bibliometric indicators, which are based on citation analysis? How do you measure the impact of social media publications? Are there alternative indicators? We explain everything you need to know about evaluating scientific production.

First, we recommend you access and use Bibliometrics, the UOC tool that allows you to analyse the university's scientific production.


The Virtual Library has created Bibliometrics, an internal database for bibliometric information management and consultation. It stores the UOC's scientific output and analyses its quality based on national and international bibliometric indicators.


Second, you can consult the list of UOC research staff, which includes links to their scientific production pages:

Next, we recommend you consult the page on how to publish an article, which explains the impact factor, rank and quartile of a journal and how to find the indicators:

Finally, we recommend you consult DORA (Declaration on Research Assessment), which the UOC signed in May 2019.

Accreditation agencies are the bodies responsible for defining the criteria on which research proposals and their impact are assessed. Below you will find links to the main agencies in Spain.