Meet the team

Maria Boixadera

Maria Boixadera

Operative group: Office of the Deputy General Manager (Research and Innovation). Open Science. Coordinator of Academic Publication

Work fields:

Open knowledge, Open publishing, Scientific communication, Editorial management

How can Maria Boixadera help you?

Her work helps the UOC's scientific journals achieve maximum quality, visibility and impact. She provides support in the academic aspect in establishing strategies, criteria, editorial policies and indicators, in accordance with the objectives set by the management for the journal in question.

Accordingly, she is also responsible for deciding the production circuit that best aligns with each journal's reality and budget, and coordinates the editorial production process. Lastly, she provides support and monitors the metrics, the key activity data and the statistical reports.

In addition, Maria draws up editorial policies and gives form to new projects that contribute to disseminating the UOC's knowledge and scientific output and she assists in shaping the UOC's outreach projects.

Education and professional career

She holds an official llicenciatura degree in Catalan Language and Literature from the University of Barcelona (UB), and a postgraduate course in Language Correction and Support in Catalan from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB).

In the course of her career, she has specialized in the field of quality, standards and policies, and editorial strategies for digitally published academic and general interest journals, which has required her to master the tools, programming languages and content managers for this type of editorial product.

She has more than ten years of experience in content strategy, corporate communication and STM Publishing in online media.

Public profiles

Personal interests

The pursuit of the arts, including classic music and singing, acting, writing, painting and ceramics.