What AI functions are there in El Derecho and Mementos?


  • Once signed in, click on the Lefebvre logo to go to the home page. You'll find the Sibila button next to the search box. It's an AI assistant that analyses legal documents and identifies key concepts and cases cited.
El derecho Sibila


  • Paste, drag, or type text directly into the blank box and then click the analyse button to view a report on key concepts and cases cited. Note that the information in the document is not stored on the platform.
Paste, drag, or type text


  • A new screen will open, showing the key concepts extracted from the text with a coloured bar that indicates their weight within the document. Uncheck the boxes for those you're not interested in. Click continue to access the citations report.
the references cited


  • View the references cited by clicking on go to document. Uncheck the boxes for the cited documents that you don't need, and click on go to results to view relevant documents.
the references cited

AI Fact Sheets

  • In the case law and administrative doctrine sections, the results include the AI fact sheets
AI Fact Sheets


  • Thanks to artificial intelligence, before accessing the ruling or legal document you can view a summary with an explanation of the facts, the question posed, the conclusion and the arguments. This allows you to identify content that is interesting and work through the list of results much more quickly.

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Operative group: 

Maria Puigdueta, is in charge of the Library Replies service.