How to search for a book in the Library

You can find both digital and printed books in the UOC Library. 

  • Type any term in the search box (keywords, title, first and last name of the author or ISBN).
  • Click the Books button in the search box. 

Digital book

  • Select the filter Availability / Online.

availability online

  • Then, click on the Apply Filters button. 

Apply filters

  • Review the search results and choose one. Click on Available Online to start reading the book. 

available online

  • If, on the other hand, you want to get more information, select the title of the book to open a new page with additional information.
  • You may find cases where the book is available on more than one book platform that the Library has access to (eLibro, ProQuest Ebook Central, etc.). If so, when the book information page opens, click on any of the available links in the Available at section.

Available Online

The Library works with many publishing groups, which means that ebooks are available on different platforms and with different reading options. This is what you need to keep in mind about books at the UOC. 

  • If the Library has the same book in both ebook and hard copy versions, or there is more than one edition of the same title, you can choose which version you prefer to see. Click on View all Versions and choose the one you want. 

See all versions

Showing list of versions

If you can't find the book in the UOC Library, click on Extend your search to other libraries (at the top of the search engine) to check whether it's available at other libraries in Spain or internationally. In many cases you will be able to receive chapters in digital format by email, in less than 24 working hours. Here's how it works.

  • Choose the Availability / Physical Items filter to search for printed books.

Physical items

  • Click on the Apply Filters button in the bottom margin.

Apply filters

  • If there's a book that interests you, check if it's available to borrow in Spain and Andorra through the UOC. Click on the Available at Central de Préstec button. 


  • Within the book information, look for the section Get it / Borrow it (log in with your Virtual Campus credentials if you have not already done so). 


  • After that you need to choose the delivery method. Check all the information about the loan service. 

If you can't find the book in the Library's search engine, click on Extend your search to other libraries (at the top of the search engine) to check if other national and international libraries have it available to borrow or have chapters available in digital format to receive by email within 24 working hours.  

Related questions

  • In any language. However, bear in mind that most scientific and academic publications are written or indexed in English. Consequently, you may retrieve many more results if you perform the search in English.

    You also have the Language filter to delimit your results.

  • Follow these steps to find information:

    • Enter the Library's search engine and write the keywords, the title of the content or the author's name and surname in the search box.

    The search engine retrieves content including books, articles, journals, videos, images, degree final projects, UOC learning resources and recommended reading by the teaching staff in the classrooms.

    • Use the filters in the sidebar (type of content, date, language, etc.).
    • Click on Available online to access the content.
    • Improve your results with our search tips.

Make your request

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We'll contact you within a maximum of 48 working hours, excluding non-teaching periods and UOC holidays.

Service commitment. See the service regulations.

Library Access

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Presentation of the Library Replies Service.


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Operative group: 

Maria Puigdueta, is in charge of the Library Replies service.