How does advanced search work?

The advanced search tool will guide you to faster and more accurate results.

You'll find the Advanced Search button integrated in the Library search engine. Log in with your UOC Campus credentials to benefit from all that the search engine offers.

Just fill in the different fields:


cerca avançada

Choose where you want to search for information:

  • All UOC sources: this is the default option, as well as the most complete. Search through all the content available in the UOC Library.
  • UOC Recommended reading: search only among the resources recommended by the university's teaching staff.
  • UOC Learning resources: search only among the training materials produced by the UOC and used in the classrooms.
  • UOC O2 repository: search only among content produced by the UOC community and available in open access.
  • Catalan University Union Catalogue: search also among the contents of other Catalan university libraries.

A. Search field: the part of the content in which the keywords should appear.

  • Any field: you'll get results containing your keywords in any field of the document.
  • You can also search in a specific field, such as the publication's title, author, subject or ISSN.

B. Search type:

  • Contains: the results will contain all the keywords you've entered, regardless of order or position.
  • Contains exact phrase: the results will include the keywords exactly as you typed them, in the same order and position. This works only for searches in the author, title or subject field.
  • Starts with (title search only): results whose title begins with the words you typed. You can skip or keep the initial article.

C. Boolean operators

The Boolean operators listed let you play around with, combine, and indicate relationships between the search terms.

They may appear translated into the language you've configured in the search engine: AND (or I or Y), OR (or O) and NOT (or NO).




The results contain all the search terms. The results contain at least one of the search terms. The results exclude one of the search terms.
Travel AND Europe College OR university  Mustang NOT animal
You'll get results about travelling in Europe. You'll get results with college, university and both terms together. You'll get results about the car and not about horses.

  • Material Type: journals, books, articles, images, sound recordings, videos/films and theses.
  • Language: you can search in any language. Most scientific and academic publications are written in English.
  • Publication year: this allows you to set a date range.

Related questions

  • In any language. However, bear in mind that most scientific and academic publications are written or indexed in English. Consequently, you may retrieve many more results if you perform the search in English.

    You also have the Language filter to delimit your results.

  • Follow these steps to find information:

    • Enter the Library's search engine and write the keywords, the title of the content or the author's name and surname in the search box.

    The search engine retrieves content including books, articles, journals, videos, images, degree final projects, UOC learning resources and recommended reading by the teaching staff in the classrooms.

    • Use the filters in the sidebar (type of content, date, language, etc.).
    • Click on Available online to access the content.
    • Improve your results with our search tips.

Make your request

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We'll contact you within a maximum of 48 working hours, excluding non-teaching periods and UOC holidays.

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If you have any questions about how the Library works, its services, resources or collections, let us know!

Operative group: 

Maria Puigdueta, is in charge of the Library Replies service.