
International Open Access Week is here!

Subject:  Multidisciplinary
Persona que està llegint un llibre que té llums a dins

Take a look at the activities, open resources and training materials, and join the open movement

The UOC's O2 repository is a digital archive where the UOC community publishes the academic, research and institutional content it creates.

A new edition of International Open Access Week (Open Access Week) is back, the annual event to raise awareness of the importance of opening up knowledge for everyone.

The event will take place from 21 to 27 October under the theme Community over Commercialization and the UOC will participate by organizing events and providing informative material on open publishing.

The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) has been committed to the open access model – a movement to provide knowledge to anyone in the world, online and for free – for years. The university raises the profile of the knowledge generated by the institution's teaching and research, and shares it with society.  


Our #OpenScienceChampions are UOC researchers who are currently leading the way in open science at our university, in terms of both publications and research data. Want to see who they are and what they have to say? Visit our UOC International Open Access Week page and you'll find out.

Award for the Best Doctoral Contribution in Open Science

The goal of this award (organized by the UOC's Open Science unit in collaboration with the Doctoral School and Banco Santander) is to promote open science among the UOC's research community, and particularly to introduce this new paradigm to PhD students in the early stages of their research careers.

The winner of the second edition of the prize will be announced on 24 October, coinciding with International Open Access Week.

Open access resources

The UOC's institutional repository, the O2, is where final projects, articles, doctoral theses, books and learning resources are deposited in open access. This means it is preserved over time and can be accessed by more people. It currently has 21.281 items.

More open knowledge