
Classrooms for everyone: a guide for inclusive education

Subject:  Psychology and Educational Sciences
A teacher giving a class to her students
Author: Arthur Krijgsman -

What is inclusive education? How can it be brought to the classroom? Find out in this Library Guide

The UOC Library team presents a new Library Guide focusing on inclusive education to mark International Day of Education (24 January). It aims to provide information and real-life examples for creating educational environments where everyone can gain access, participate and learn, regardless of their individual differences.

What will you find in the Library Guide?

With theoretical and practical resources and real-life examples, you will find everything you need to progress towards more equitable education.

  • What is inclusive education? Introductory content on inclusive education, what its foundations are, and why it is essential in education today. For example, there is a blog post from the UOC's Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, in which three members of teaching staff, experts in the field, explain what it is and how to apply it.
  • Legal framework. This section focuses on local, national and international regulations and laws with measures and requirements to ensure equity and inclusion in education systems. The contents include a European report that looks at the policies and measures in 39 education systems.
  • Challenges, strategies and practice. This section explores the major challenges and practical solutions for implementing inclusive education in different settings. The content includes learning resources produced by the UOC, reports, videos and e-books.
  • Guides for teaching staff and professionals. Guides for the educational community identifying the principles for making education more inclusive. For example, the Index for inclusion: developing learning and participation in schools produced by the professors of education Mel Ainscow and Tony Booth.
  • Success stories. Real examples of projects and initiatives that have succeeded in focusing education towards a more inclusive model, including a degree final project that examines the implementation of inclusion policies based on two case studies from a school in Catalonia and one in Italy.
  • Support networks and communities. The final section presents the networks and communities that work to foster and share good practices in inclusive education.

Take a look at the Library Guide on Inclusive Education and sources of information for promoting more equitable education.
