Library guides
Subject: Law and Political Science Economy and BusinessOpen Tax law resources
Want to know open, or gratis, online information resources in the field of tax law? This dossier gathers main resources.

Reference works
This dictionary compiles the basic terms for the completing the tax and equity return, contains the names and definition in Catalan and with the equivalents in Spanish.
This dictionary contains hundreds of terms with the denominations and definition in Catalan and equivalents in Spanish, French and English, relating to financial markets and corresponding to seven thematic areas. This is the online version of the Dictionary of Financial Markets, a joint project between the Department of Economics and Finance of the Government of Catalonia and the Terminology Center TERMCAT, which systematizes for the first time financial terminology in Catalan.
Critical glossary which helps you search for tax terms from vocabulary recorded in the Middle Ages aimed at specialists and the scientific community alike. The definitions are written in the language in which they were published in the original studies (Spanish, Catalan, French, Italian and Portuguese) and also include Latin words.
This is a free-to-access online glossary of economic terms from The Economist.
If you don't understand tax terminology in English, then this dictionary may help you as it contains over 8,000 tax terms.
The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics (CEE), 2nd ed., 2008, is an online encyclopedia of economics and is part of the Library of Economics and Liberty sponsored by the Liberty Fund. Articles are written by economists from different schools of thought, and include four Nobel laureates in economics as authors. It also includes short biographies of noted economists and a comprehensive index.
The Civio Foundation website aimed at taxpayers which shows clearly how the Spanish general state budgets are distributed, where revenue comes from and how public spending is allocated. It includes recommendations for correct policies and a search engine to help you find specific budgetary items without knowing to which programme they will be allocated.
Librarians responsible for this library guide
Albert Cervera
Operative subgroup: Librarian for Economics and Business, vocational training and advanced-level training courses for professionals Operative group: Library for LearningJoan Puig
Operative subgroup: Librarian for Law and Political Science, Doctoral School Operative group: Library for Learning