Meet the team

Rosa García

Rosa García

Operative group: Library for Learning. Arts and Humanities resource manager, UOC publishing house

Work fields:

Advice and support for teaching staff, Learning resources, Editorial UOC, Design and editing assistance

How can Rosa García help you?

Rosa is in charge of overseeing the Editorial UOC process end-to-end, from hiring authors to receiving the final works, while ensuring deadlines are met and copyright is guaranteed.  

In terms of resource management, she is responsible for collecting the assignments of teaching staff and overseeing the editing process for the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.

Education and professional career

Earning a teaching degree from Ramon Llull University, her career has been intertwined with the UOC since 2000. Her extensive professional experience has taken her through high-responsibility positions at the secretary's office of the Office of the President and Institutional Relations for 11 years before joining the Corporate Enrolment team, which was tasked with handling the UOC's training programmes for businesses and institutions.

Personal interests

She loves classical cinema as well as mystery, fantasy and science fiction films and series.