Shared Stories

An initiative involving open access audio readings to raise the profile of women in literature. Organized by the libraries of Camilo José Cela University (UCJC) and the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).


Raise the profile of women in the history of literature

Disseminate contents with a gender perspective on the internet

Foster understanding of the 2030 Agenda and implement it

Build alliances between libraries and create new synergies

  1. Choose a text

    Take your pick from the list of works in the public domain.

  2. Sign up(link opens in a new window)

    Sign up for the initiative. In the registration form, include the title of the book you have chosen.

  3. Record and edit(link opens in a new window)

    Follow the instructions for the campaign.  We will share the tools for recording and editing with you.  

  4. Send the audio reading(link opens in a new window)

    Share the audio in .mp3 format. When it has been published, share the audio reading with the hashtag #RelatosCompartidos

Audio readings

Adela Zamudio

The texts

In figures




Audio readings 

