
Are you studying law? New course content you should know about

Subject:  Law and Political Science
Scrabble tiles forming the word "LAW"

The Library has added new practical guides on administrative, civil and criminal law.

The learning resources adapt to the uses and needs of the university community. Therefore, every semester we subscribe to new content such as journals and e-books through the Library based on requests from teaching staff or suggestions made by users.

These are the new acquisitions recently added in the field of Law:

In addition to these newly-acquired guides, Vlex's practical guide to personal data has been updated. The contents have been renewed and a section has been added on guaranteeing digital rights. It reflects on current issues posed by ICTs in terms of law, all of which could prove useful to any UOC student. For example, it deals with doubts about protecting privacy on social media networks or the concepts of the right to be forgotten online and digital disconnection in the labour field.

In the classrooms and the Library, Law students have specialized journals and digital platforms within their reach that will help them with the continuous assessment activities and final degree projects as well as in professional practice.
